n the past few months I read this article. It’s thought provoking to say the least. It’s about woman and if they truly can have it all by ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER.
Today I read this article. My eyebrows raised a little as I noticed I had an opinion too. Was I referenced in this article? Not directly by name, but by position or role in life (working woman, mother etc).
(The Reference to the entire Marie Claire article is below)
Then I saw this on Facebook. (Taken without permission from a friend quoting her sister-in-law)
I think the problem feminists have with Romney is that they don’t value the role of mothers enough. It’s like they think that being a stay at home mom and using our innate gifts as nurturers is degrading. Of course women can do whatever men can do but the most important job we have is nurturing and raising the next generation. I would be glad to have a president who acknowledges that and values mothers and the extremely important job they have.
..and then read about Eva Longoria’s tweet on Twitter.
A political battle may ensue with these two references to candidates. Tis’ soon November.
However, it seems to me, that we as woman are not on the same page. It seems we cannot even agree to disagree without creating animosity (yes that rhymes if read in rhythm and I’ll take credit for it.) Despite our political beliefs, most woman acknowledge that this life is hard whatever we are dished out. Hillary Clinton has never been a stay at home mom of 5 children and Ann Romney has never been Secretary of State for the United States. I’ve never heard either of them whine but I’d be okay with it if they did. Both are hard jobs and I never want to judge another woman not being in her shoes. We as women should support each other in every role and not paint each other as idiots for believing a certain way. Aren’t we all wanting to do our best in any role? You don’t have to be a feminist to fight for women’s rights. You can be a stay at home mom and understand lower wages of working woman. You can be a working woman and value the role of mothers.
Goodness Gracious! We as women are all opinionated. I just wish this brought us closer to understanding each other vs. pushing us apart on the political spectrum and elsewhere. So please, don’t judge or insult me by the many hats I do wear. I am doing it all but am not having any of it…….But then again, I don’t have the choice.
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