Category: Uncategorized
Sacrifice requires dedication
It has gotten out of control, become a daily indulgence….okay hourly indulgence, and I need to gain back my independence. All from a little bean from who knows where. And I’m not talking green, garbanzo, or even coffee. You Guessed it. CACAO BABY! (Said like Lightning McQueen of Course). The new year brought new goals…
Happy Valentine’s Day
Last week while cutting and pasting my traditional homemade Valentines, my Zoom decided that he had no interest whatsoever in helping. He’s only three and it was no surprise that he went off to play with his legos. I decided to forgo his crafty paper valentine and concentrate on making conversation heart cookies. After all,…
A project unparalleled
I got the voice mail….and yes it was a voice mail. My dad is getting married. Let me repeat. My dad is getting married. And if you know me you might remember that my mom just passed away six months ago. Some of us (raising both my hands and waving tenaciously now) think that this…
Rising from the Ashes
It has been awhile. Since I wrote….and also a few other things of which I won’t mention in my introductory post. However, I still have been moving forward, sometimes backwards, and sometimes spinning out of control. But for the most part I am alive and so is my son, who in which is thriving, while…